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- 2014-03-19收录日期
- 2024-09-19更新日期
- 网站标题:Global Village Clima...
- 网站地址:www.globalvillageclimate.com
- 网站评分:
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- TAG标签:global village climate capital limited
- 网站描述:Global Village Carbon Capital Limited (GVCC) was established in Germany in November 2006. GVCC is funded to provide incentive financial support mechanism introduced by Executive Board of United Nations for sustainable global greenhouse gases reduction program.
GVCC acts as a facilitator for successful implementation of Kyoto Protocol through various financial activities of capital market, such as acquisition and transition of carbon assets, project loan and capital investment. GVCC is the major funding tunnel and bridge for carbon business between European countries and corporations of Asia Pacific Regime.
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